If you’re reading this then chances are you are interested in becoming a valued member of our community here at TTE Ellesmere Port. One of the elements of our education of which we are very proud actually happens outside the classroom.

It’s part of what we call Whole Person Development (WPD). Our mission and our ambition is not only to equip you for the world of work, but also for the world.

WPD is a well-established programme which concentrates on nurturing people skills – the personal and the emotional, how to look after themselves; to narrow the gap between who someone is and who they can become; and to understand and appreciate their colleagues fully.

It’s something that is mentioned right at the start of our latest Ofsted report:

“Most apprentices access a range of activities that extend beyond their apprenticeship. Apprentices take part in outward bound courses to develop their leadership, resilience and team working skills. Learners complete young leadership qualifications, improving their confidence and communication skills.”

The concept of a growth mindset

The reasoning behind sending our young people into the mountains is to help them develop their behaviours and attitudes. Ofsted deemed TTE outstanding in this regard. Part of is it to provide some adventure activities, have some fun in nature, but a larger part is to help our apprentices on that journey from childhood to adulthood – from being told what to do, to making decisions themselves.

In encouraging their sense of independence and to think for themselves we are preparing them for future endeavours – those out in the world and those in the workplace and on site.

It seems increasingly that young people today have to tackle new challenges while being held to high standards. And that’s what our outward bound course is about – being challenged by something new and by working together to achieve something worthwhile.

It’s about empowering them to engage fully with their experiences and helping them to lead their own learning for maximum impact from these lessons. For them to work, think and operate effectively in the workplace, but also to make them leaders in the field – and – leaders in their field.

It’s also why we are proud of the many who come through our doors who also take an active role in the community.

As our outstanding Ofsted report also mentioned: “They arrange events to raise money for local charities, such as a health and safety league and sports days.”

Paying the experience forward

Not only that, but they also want to pass their enthusiasm on: “Apprentices are passionate about the engineering sector. They organise visits to local schools to raise awareness of engineering and encourage participation in engineering related activities.”

The result is according to Ofsted: “Apprentices and learners improve their confidence and develop their communication skills because of the training they receive.

“Apprentices work closely with their employers to select and complete business improvement projects. They identify several solutions and complete feasibility studies, which they present to their employers and mentors. Employers highly value the contributions that apprentices make to their businesses.”

The extra-curricular activities at TTE complement perfectly with classroom study, improve our apprentices’ motivation, results and employability and critically an individual’s well-being. In essence it’s all about inspiring our young people to build their bright futures.

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